JavaScript support in NetBeans 6.1

NetBeans 6.1 contains a number of features that are very promising. More specifically, the JavaScript support has improved dramatically.

In a number of web-based projects we are currently involved in, there is a "clean" separation between HTML and development. At least, that is the theory.
In practice, however, templates are JSP-pages containing HTML elements, JSTL tags and JavaScript. Today, the JavaScript part is often increasing, as is the number of JavaScript libraries that are concurrently being used.
Small errors and typos in JavaScript are often not noticed until the page is rendered. In many cases, some JavaScript code gets only executed in a specific situation, and errors might be discovered way too late.

I didn't expect drastic changes in a point-release, but NetBeans 6.1 makes our lives somewhat easier, on the JavaScript front. The IDE now contains JavaScript support features including syntax highlighting, code folding, background parsing, error notification, bracket matching (!), formatting,…
As a result of this, our JavaScript development is moving from vi to NetBeans (but again, nothing wrong with vi!).

Have a look at http://wiki.netbean for a summary of the JavaScript support in NetBeans 6.1