Cool Stuff I Would Like To Work On If I Ever Have Time

I have been very busy during the last couple of weeks. I am working on some real cool customer projects. I can't help thinking about innovation while doing customer work, though, and I came up with the idea of making a top 10 list of "Cool Stuff I Would Like To Work On If I Ever Have Time."

Here is my current list, in random order:

1. GlassFish v3 and OSGi integration.
I have been working with GFv3 for some random experiments, and it is cool. I would like to spend more time in combining GFv3 with some of the OSGi based frameworks and applications I am working with.

2. Google Web Toolkit 1.7
I would like to find out if this version generates faster JS.

3. JavaFX admin tool for DaliCMS
Currently, the admin tool for DaliCMS is written in GWT. We can provide a JavaFX version as well.

4. A JavaFX player for
Our friends at Poppunt have a number of cool projects, cool widgets including a JavaFX music player would be nice. I know that there are a number of JavaFX projects targeting the music world, so this one should be doable.

5. Real time Java
James Gosling's Toy Show is always so inspiring. I would love to make a robot that does something challenging and cool. No more concrete ideas though.

6. JavaFX renderer for OpenStreetMap
Actually, this is not a wish. I am really working on this one.

7. Something with the Cloud
Should be more concrete, I know.

8. Google Wave research
I want to write a Java implementation of the Google Wave protocol and a JavaFX interface for the platform.

9. A webcam application for following my horse
I first need Internet access over there.

10. A JavaFX immo application
There is one big online immo thing in Belgium, and their usability sucks.

I will check this list in about 6 months from now. Curious myself to see how it evolves… I will update the list via twitter (@johanvos).