JavaFX 2 Chat application with RedFX 2

One of my favorite subjects is real-time communication. A chat component is one of the most basic forms of real-time communication. In the past, I’ve blogged about how to create a JavaFX 1.3 based chat application using a Comet Server. Meanwhile, we updated the internal Chat Application we are using at LodgON and it is now using JavaFX 2 and RedFX 2.

The most basic JavaFX Chat Application is described at and the required binaries can also be downloaded from that site.

The example shown on the RedFX samples page is very very basic and of course not very useful in real-world cases. However, the basics about sending and receiving messages, processing them and visualizing them, are very similar.
We use the exact same principles for a more complex Chat Application for focus groups that we are currently migrating from JavaFX 1.3 to JavaFX 2.1.

A Chat application requires a client component and a server component. If you look at the client code that can be downloaded from the download section, you’ll probably agree that JavaFX is the perfect candidate platform for writing chat applications. Very few lines of code are needed, and any Java developer can easily extend this application.
The server component, which can be downloaded here contains a Java EE 6 Web Archive. It includes the RedFX server components, a few configuration files, and it runs out of the box on Glassfish 3.1.2 (if you enable Comet and/or Web sockets — those are disabled by default unfortunately).

A couple of weeks ago, we made the beta-release of RedFX available in a binary form. It is our intention to make available all source code that is required to run the basic samples. However, this takes time. A couple of months ago, we open-sourced the DaliCore platform, and that takes time. Making a project open-source involves much much more than putting the code in a zip and make it available online.
It is my goal to make the RedFX client part of the open-source project. We still have to figure out how we will deal with dependencies, and how/where we can host the RedFX server components. We will do this as fast as we can, but there are only 25 hours in a day…