JavaFX Android, Early Access builds

I have uploaded a new Early Access build for JavaFX 8u40 on Android to bitbucket. You can download it here. There are a number of new features in this build that open up new possibilities.

Some of the most important features of 8u40 for dalvik are:

  • created from the OpenJFX 8u40 source code
  • basic support for JavaFX 3D
  • basic support for DatePicker control
  • basic support for Android Fragments
  • integration with the Gradle Android plugin and build system

We also added a separate repository for samples, which is available at Since those samples use the new Gradle Android plugin, you can build and deploy them using a single gradle command.

We will provide more information about these features once we are at a stable release. Please be aware that this is an early access release, and it may contain instabilities. There is a lot of new stuff going into this build, and we are now working very hard on samples, bugfixes and documentation.
If you have time to download and test this release, please do so. Make sure to try the samples from the sample repository. All issues can be reported to