Bundling our JavaFX Activities into Gluon

I am happy to announce that all JavaFX work that LodgON is doing, will now be done under the Gluon brand.
For those of you who have been following the LodgON JavaFX activities, this will not come as a surprise. LodgON developers are co-founders of Gluon, and by combining our expertise with the expertise from the other founders and employees, we believe we can build a great company dedicated to JavaFX products and services.

As part of this move, we transfered the JavaFXPorts document website, (http://javafxports.org) which was previously hosted by LodgON, into the Gluon documentation site. The Gluon documentation is generated using asciiDoc, and this is what we are using in JavaFXPorts from now on as well. You can read more about this at http://gluonhq.com/javafxports-has-a-new-home

Maintaining text-files in a repository is much easier to me than  working on HTML files or using a content management system. As of today, the burden of updating websites with version numbers and release notes will not delay new releases of JavaFXPorts anymore. I can focus on code, and keep the asciidoc files up to date.

For our existing JavaFX customers, the integration within Gluon is a huge benefit. LodgON’s expertise is mainly in writing clean code, and integrate it with enterprise functionality. While these competencies are now in Gluon as well, Gluon also has developers that are experts in user interface and user experience. As a consequence, we can now help existing LodgON customers with their questions on UI, UX and controls.

In the end, this should benefit a much larger audience than the  existing LodgON customers. Having a one-stop shop for all Java Client related products, services and development, will lower the adoption barrier for Java on the client, including mobile clients.